Percentage to CGPA

Effortlessly Convert Your Grades: From Percentage to CGPA

Percentage to CGPA Calculator

percentage to cgpa

We’ve simplified the process of calculating your CGPA from your percentage. Say goodbye to complex math! Our percentage to CGPA calculator does all the work for you. This user-friendly tool saves you time and, best of all, it’s completely free. 

Just enter your percentage and get your CGPA instantly. Use this fantastic tool to accurately determine your CGPA and determine which universities you can apply to with your CGPA score.

Why Use Our Percentage to CGPA Calculator?

  • Accuracy: Ensures precise conversion from percentage to CGPA, eliminating manual calculation errors.
  • Ease of Use: Simple interface allows you to input your percentage and get your CGPA instantly.
  • Time-Saving: Saves you the hassle of complex mathematical conversions.
  • Free Tool: Completely free to use.
  • Universally Applicable: Suitable for students applying to various universities that require CGPA.
  • Planning Assistance: Helps you understand your academic standing and plan your university applications effectively.

You may also be interested to calculate your Percentage from CGPA, use our CGPA to Percentage calculator.

How to Convert Percentage to CGPA – Steps

convert marks to cgpa

The most common method to convert a percentage into a CGPA assumes a 10-point CGPA scale.

  1. Gather your percentage: Your overall score should be expressed as a percentage.
  2. Divide by 9.5: Plug your percentage into the formula and divide by 9.5.
  3. Round the answer (optional): The result might be a decimal. Depending on your university’s preference, you can round it to the desired number of decimal places.

Formula for Percentage to CGPA Calculation

CGPA = Percentage ÷ 9.5

Example for Percentage to CGPA Calculation

Let’s suppose a student has a percentage of 85%

Percentage: 85%

CGPA Calculation: CGPA = Percentage / 9.5

CGPA = 85% / 9.5 = 8.95 (approximately)

Percentage to CGPA out of 4

Converting a percentage to a CGPA on a 4.0 scale is less common than a 10-point scale, but it’s still possible. Here’s how:

Formula for Converting Percentage to CGPA out of 4

CGPA = Percentage / (Division Factor)


Let’s say you scored 87% on your exams, and your university uses a 4.0 CGPA scale with a division factor of 25.

  • CGPA = 87% / 25
  • CGPA = 3.48 (approx)

Percentage to CGPA Conversion Table


How to Convert Marks into CGPA?

You can easily convert marks to CGPA using the following formula.

Formula for Converting  Marks into CGPA

CGPA = Sum of grade points / Total number of subjects

Example for Marks to CGPA Converter Method

Let’s suppose a student has the following grade points in 5 subjects: 9, 8, 7, 8, 8

Step 1: Add the grade points

Sum of grade points=  9+8+7+8+8 = 40

Step 2: Divide the sum of grade points by total number of subjects

CGPA = Sum of grade points / total number of subjects 

CGPA = 40/5 = 8

The CGPA of this student is 8.0

The above example clearly states marks to CGPA conversion. 

In order to get percentage from SGPA, use our SGPA to Percentage.

Percentage to CGPA Formulas in Different Indian Universities

Different universities in India may use varied formulas to convert percentage marks to CGPA. Here are some specific examples from well-known Indian universities:

1. Delhi University (DU)

Delhi University follows a specific formula for converting percentages to CGPA.

Formula: CGPA= Percentage / 9.5​

2. Anna University

Anna University also uses a standard conversion method similar to DU.

Formula: CGPA = percentage / 10

2. Anna University

3. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU)

JNTU employs a slightly different method that considers a constant factor.

Formula:  CGPA = percentage / 10

4. Mumbai University

Mumbai University uses the following formula to convert percentages to CGPA.

Formula: Percentage – 7.5 / 10

5. Pune University (Savitribai Phule Pune University)

Pune University uses the standard 10-point scale for conversion.

Formula: CGPA= Percentage / 10

6. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University (MSU)

MSU uses a simple conversion method.

Formula: CGPA=Percentage / 10

7. Osmania University

Osmania University converts percentages to CGPA with a standard factor.

Formula: CGPA=Percentage / 10

8. West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT)

WBUT uses a 10-point scale conversion.

Formula: CGPA=Percentage / 10

9. Chandigarh University

Chandigarh University employs a different conversion factor.

Formula: CGPA=Percentage / 9.5

10. Percentage to CGPA Calculator for CBSE

To convert percentage to CGPA in CBSE, the following formula is used:

CGPA= Percentage / 9.5

Example Calculations

  • Delhi University: For a percentage of 85%, CGPA = 85 / 9.5 = 8.95
  • Anna University: For a percentage of 85%, CGPA = 85 / 10 = 8.5

Mumbai University: For a percentage of 85%, CGPA = (85 – 7.5) / 10 = 7.75

Pros and Cons of The Percentage Grading System


  • Precision and clarity
  • Detailed feedback
  • Standardisation
  • Motivation
  • Uniformity


  • Pressure and stress
  • Overemphasis on marks
  • Inconsistency in evaluation
  • Neglects holistic development
  • Comparison and competition


Our Percentage to CGPA Calculator is designed to make your life easier by providing a quick and accurate way to convert your percentage into CGPA. No more manual calculations, just enter your percentage and get your CGPA instantly. 

This free tool helps you understand your academic standing and assists in planning your university applications. Try it now to smooth your educational journey.


Engineering candidates who want to convert their percentages to CGPA are required to divide their percentages by 9.5 to calculate their CGPA.

Yes, you can convert your CGPA to a percentage using the formula: Percentage = CGPA×9.5

Considering a 4.0 CGPA scale and a division factor 25, 75 percent would translate to a CGPA of approximately 3.00.

To convert a percentage to CGPA, divide the percentage by 9.5. 

Example: If a student has scored 82% in their exams, their CGPA would be 8.63 (82/9.5)

Divide the 72 Percentage by 9.5, that is, 72% ÷ 9.5 = 7.6