CGPA to Marks Calculator
Instantly Convert CGPA to Marks: Accurate, Fast, and Hassle-Free
CGPA to Marks Calculator

Learning how to convert CGPA to marks is essential for students and educators, especially when it comes to real-world applications like applying for scholarships, higher education, or jobs. While CGPA provides a snapshot of academic performance, converting it directly into marks offers a more precise and universally understood view of your achievements.
What is CGPA to Marks Conversion?
CGPA is a numerical value used in many educational institutions to represent a student’s academic performance. It combines the grades from all courses taken.
Your CGPA can be converted into marks by applying a simple formula that gives you a clear overview of your academic performance.
CGPA to Marks Calculator
We have created an easy solution for calculations. Our free and easy-to-use CGPA to marks calculator helps you convert without error.
Moreover, to apply for scholarships that require percentage scores, you might need to convert CGPA into marks. This is where our tool can help you.
If you’re also interested in converting your CGPA to a percentage for other uses, such as scholarship applications or academic evaluations, be sure to use our CGPA to Percentage Calculator for a precise conversion
What makes our calculator tool unique?
How to Convert CGPA Into Marks?
Converting CGPA into marks is simpler than it might seem. Here’s the formula you’ll use:
Marks = (Percentage of CGPA × Total Marks) / 100
Example Calculation
Considering your CGPA is 8.0, and the total marks are 600, you can calculate the percentage as follows:
Step 1: Calculate the percentage equivalent of your CGPA using the standard multiplier.
Example: If your CGPA is 8.0, Percentage of Marks = 8.0 × 9.5 = 76%
Step 2: Apply the percentage to your total marks.
Example: If the total marks are 600, then Marks = (76 × 600) / 100 = 456 Marks
Therefore, an 8.0 CGPA translates to 456 marks out of 600.
This is how you can convert CGPA into marks. If you’re also interested in calculating the percentage from marks, check out our Marks to Percentage Calculator for a quick and accurate conversion.

How to Calculate CGPA from Marks?
If you’re trying to figure out how to find CGPA from marks, simply use the formula provided.
CGPA = (Total Marks of All Subjects / Number of Subjects) × 9.5
Let’s say a student has secured the following marks in a semester.
- Mathematics: 85
- Science: 78
- English: 82
- Social Studies: 74
- Hindi: 80
Calculate the Average Percentage
First, add the marks for all subjects and then divide by the number of subjects to find the average percentage.
Total Marks= 85 + 78 + 82 + 74 + 80 = 399
Number of Subjects=5
Average Percentage = 399/5 = 79.8%
Convert the Average Percentage into CGPA
Now, use the formula to calculate CGPA from the average percentage:
CGPA = 79.8 / 9.5 = 8.4
The student’s CGPA, based on the given marks, is approximately 8.4.
CGPA to Marks Factor in SSP
In the context of programs like the School Scholarship Program (SSP), converting CGPA to marks often involves using a standardized multiplier. For instance, if your CGPA is 8.0, the conversion factor (usually 9.5) helps determine the percentage, which you can then convert to marks.
This means that to convert a CGPA to a percentage of marks, you would use the following formula:
Percentage of Marks = CGPA × 9.5
For example, if a student has a CGPA of 8.0, the percentage of marks would be:
Percentage of Marks = 8.0 × 9.5 = 76%
Pros and Cons of Converting CGPA to Marks
Using the correct formulas makes converting CGPA to marks or calculating CGPA from marks straightforward and reliable. Our guide and CGPA to Marks Calculator simplify this process, ensuring accuracy. If you have further questions, please explore our FAQs or use our tools for more detailed calculations.
For students aiming to maintain a strong CGPA, staying motivated is essential. Check out these study motivation tips to help you stay on track and achieve your academic goals.